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Digital Analog Three Phase 50A Solid State Relay

Digital Analog Three Phase 50A Solid State Relay is an electronic switching device designed to control the flow of electrical power in three-phase systems. Unlike traditional electromechanical relays that use moving parts to make and break connections, a solid-state relay (SSR) relies on semiconductor components for switching. This particular SSR is rated for a maximum current of 50 amperes, making it suitable for applications requiring substantial power control. 

The Digital Analog designation suggests that this relay can be triggered by both digital (on/off) and analog (continuous variable) input signals, offering versatility in its activation methods. This means it can be operated using binary signals like those from a microcontroller or by analog signals representing varying levels of control. Such flexibility makes it well-suited for a wide range of industrial and commercial applications, including motor control, heating systems, and other processes that demand precise and robust power switching capabilities in three-phase electrical systems.

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These headings can help you choose SSRs based on their key attributes